How do I withdraw money?
  • 03 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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How do I withdraw money?

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Article summary

FanYield Beta: Virtual Currency for Testing Only

Welcome to the FanYield Beta!

During this phase, we are using virtual currency to help you familiarize yourself with our platform and its features. Here’s everything you need to know about the beta version and the use of virtual currency.

Purpose of the Beta Version

The FanYield Beta is designed to:

  • Allow users to explore and understand the platform.

  • Test various features and functionalities without financial risk.

  • Gather valuable feedback to improve the service before the full launch.

Virtual Currency in Beta

What Is Virtual Currency?

  • Definition: Virtual currency is a simulated form of money provided by FanYield during the beta phase. It is used to interact with the platform as you would with real money.

  • Initial Amount: Each user is credited with EUR 100 in virtual currency upon registration in the beta version.

Usage of Virtual Currency

  • Purchasing Players stocks

  • Purchasing Packs: Use the virtual currency to buy packs containing player shares. This helps you learn how the pack-opening process works and how to manage your portfolio.

  • Fantasy Tournaments: Participate in fantasy tournaments using the virtual currency. Compete with other users and understand the point-scoring system.

  • Earning Dividends: Experience earning dividends from player performances, just like in the real version, but with virtual currency.

Important Limitations

No Deposits or Withdrawals

  • Deposits: You cannot deposit real money into your account during the beta phase. The provided virtual currency is for testing purposes only.

  • Withdrawals: Similarly, you cannot withdraw virtual currency or convert it into real money. All transactions are confined to the beta environment and do not carry any real-world financial implications.


You receive EUR 100 in virtual currency and use it to buy player packs. You participate in tournaments and earn dividends, but you cannot withdraw these earnings as real money.

Benefits of the Beta Version

Risk-Free Environment

  • Learning Opportunity: Explore all features without the risk of losing real money. This is a great way to learn how FanYield works.

  • Strategy Development: Test different strategies for building your fantasy team and managing your portfolio without financial pressure.

Feedback and Improvement

  • User Feedback: Your experience and feedback are invaluable in helping us refine the platform. Share your thoughts and suggestions to help us create the best possible service.

  • Continuous Improvement: The beta phase allows us to identify and fix any issues before the official launch, ensuring a smoother experience for all users.


The FanYield Beta is a fantastic opportunity to get acquainted with our platform in a risk-free environment. With virtual currency, you can explore, experiment, and provide valuable feedback without any financial implications. Join the beta today, and help us shape the future of FanYield!

For any questions or further assistance, feel free to visit our Help Center and contact our support team.

Happy trading!

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